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The insights will support developments in nursing, and other health and social care professional education to navigate their way through two distinct methodological research approaches, and to develop their unique research studies.

Learning online about qualitative research
Working at home
In this course

In this course, you will meet other professionals, share your experiences, join in active discussions, and develop your knowledge and skills.

Typing on laptop
What you will achieve?

​• You will get the opportunity to develop an understanding of two distinct methodological approaches.


• Apply new knowledge, use your lived experiences, and evaluate with peers.


• You will also get the most out of your learning by engaging with the content and the other learners through the comments section.

In this Course, we will cover 

Week 1
Interpreting philosophy, developing methodology for research

Week 2
Research approaches enabling reflection


If you would like to learn more about two distinct methodologies, please book on using the button below. Or contact us for further information. 


I heard loads of positive feedback about your session, some students said it was the highlight of their day. High praise indeed.


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